Monday, August 11, 2008

Remove Chocolate Stain From the Carpet

In order to remove chocolates stains from a carpet, the first step that should be employed is to remove the maximum possible stuff with hand.
Care must be taken that this step does not serve to increase the stain size. A spoonful of a neutral detergent is added to one-cup warm water. The resulting solution is blotted onto the spot. A cloth dampened with clean water is pressed against the affected area.
A solution of ammonia in water is prepared by adding 1 volume of ammonia to 5 or 8 volumes of plain water.
This mixture is dabbed onto the chocolate spot. The stained area is then dabbed with plain water. The entire process may be repeated.Another method designed to eliminate chocolate stains from carpets is to let the chocolate solidify.
Once the chocolate has hardened, it should be scraped off using a blunt knife or a scraper. The stained area is then directly poured with hot water.
Pouring is continued until the chocolate spot is completely eliminated. A chocolate stain should be dealt with as soon as it is acquired, to avoid the difficulties faced while removing an old cocoa stain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My 2 daughters love chocolate. Sometimes, when they're drinking or eating their favorite chocolates, they accidentally make stains on our living room's carpet. My wife usually cleans the stains with detergent, but if she isn't able clean it anymore, she'll ask the help of Los Angeles carpet cleaners. Here in our recent hometown, Los Angeles, carpet cleaning services are very popular among housewives.