Saturday, March 22, 2008



To remove stains from utensils, add bleaching powder in a tub of water and dip the utensils before washing with detergent.

Used mosquito mat is an excellent blotting agent.

To keep a vacuum flask clean and odor free, fill up half the flask with vinegar, hot water and pieces of egg shell.

If two stamps stick together, keep it in a freezer for some time and peal them out.

Vinegar is an excellent cleanser for glassware.

To prevent silver fish from attacking your clothes, keep a few 'kalonji' seeds tied in a muslin cloth in your cupboard.

Soak your silver articles in tamarind water for 30 minutes and wash off with fresh water, if you want them to shine like new.

To remove mud and mud strains from clothes, rub the affected area with potato stock and wash it with water.

To remove the tea stains from the vessels, take some water and add 2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate and boil it. After some time, wash the vessel with detergent.

To remove lipstick stain, apply Vaseline on that portion and wash it with soap after some time.

To sharpen a sewing machine needle, stitch through a piece of sand paper.

Keep the water in your flower vase odorless for along time put a piece of charcoal in it.

Rub toothpaste over the fine scratches on glassware. It acts as a slight abrasive and smoothens out the area.

Soften hardened shoe polish with a few drops of white spirit.

Instead of scratching off candle wax from an object, hold the object close to a flame or some source of heat for a few seconds till the wax melts away.

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